Meter Automated Recharge Information System (MARIS)
Meter Automated Recharge Information System (MARIS)
- Modernization of the existing pre-paid energy meter infrastructure
- AMI would eliminate Consumer and Tanesco challenges in top-up management.
- Parts of MARIS
- Smart Meters
- Meter Data Management Repository (MDMR)
- Communication infrastructure (Cellular/GPRS Module and Network)
MARIS – Meter Automatic Recharge Information System
- Meter Data Management Repository (MDMR) of usage, loads, etc
- Head-end-System – handles the communications to/from Smart Meters and process before storing at MDMR.
- Automated credit top-up via SMS and do away with the need of a customer to key-in the token in the meter.
- Integrate with the existing Token Generation System
- Mobile App through which consumer shall be able to see information related to their energy consumption
- Web application with updated on-line data of consumers etc. (for Tanesco use)
- Consumer interacts (electronically or physically) with Vendor to buys electric units
- Vendor initiates the token generation to the value of the amount received.
- Token Generator issues a (electronic or paper) token receipt to Vendor and electronic to MARIS.
- MARIS receives the token from Token Generator via an API and generates an SMS message specifically to that meter.
- Upon successful loading, the meter communicates to MARIS. If meter does not communicate, MARIS will initiate another transmission.
- Consumer receives an SMS of successful token load on meter. Incase of complete failure consumer would be notified to enter the token via meter keypad.
- MARIS, will maintain history of all transactions with the meters, Consumer queries and Token Generator interactions.
- Consumer via USSD or SMS can interact with MARIS to track the statement of usage, current electricity balance on specific meter.
- MARIS will log other management information i.e. units available, consumption, load, voltage, power outage etc.
Consumer: Benefits of MARIS
- Reduces Time and Errors on recharging Luku
- Reduces error costs to the Customer i.e. eliminate token sharing via communication medias i.e sms, whatsapp e.t.c
- Introduces the opportunity for preset automated recharging
- Consumer can check on unit balance and energy consumption.
- Indirectly increase society safety, since customers will be able to recharge at the safety of homes or when away.
Benefits of Automated LUKU
- Allows online monitoring of the LUKU meters of operational data i.e. measurements of current, voltage, consumption, potential line overloads(too many meters) etc.
- Reduces Customer supports costs i.e. eliminate token sharing induced errors, removes key-in errors
- Introduces Automated Consumer Preconfigured LUKU automated recharging – LESS Queues at Vendors shops
- Potential Source of Revenue: Introduction of feature access fees i.e. query for usage statement, reduction of customer support costs, etc!
- Eliminates risks of meter bypass, as usage monitoring is possible (unused meter is a suspect)